Get Rid From Smartphone Addiction: Follow These 6 Ways

We can’t live without our smartphones. Most people stick with their smartphones all the time. Worse, a lot of those people would rather look into their phones than have a conversation with a real person.

Whatever, Shoutxp presents some ways by which you can get rid of your smartphone addiction.

#1 Customize Notifications 

The lesser notifications you receive, the less likely you are to check your smartphone. That’s because people are so addicted to their smartphones so much that it actually takes an effort to ignore notifications. Luckily, notifications can be limited so that they are not that much of a bother.

#2 Limited Usage

Now by this, we don’t mean that one should decide to not check their smartphone. But what can be done is to fix particular times when the device would be used and when it wouldn’t be. For instance, it’s advisable to keep smartphones away during meals or social gatherings.

#3 Get Rid From Unnecessary Apps

Social media apps like Facebook and Twitter are not absolutely essential on smartphones. This may sound like an impossible idea, but you can really do without them. The list of unnecessary apps is endless. This not only frees up time that can be utilized better, but also releases the device’s storage :)

#4 Switch Off Phone Before Going to Sleep

This should be pretty obvious, but it’s still not practiced by most people. Switch off the phone before going to sleep. It’s as simple as that. Hell won’t freeze over if your phone stays switched off for a few hours, and that’ll help you sleep better as well.

#5 Take Help From Apps

Get more social time for your life, and spent less time on the phone! AppDetox helps you to calm down your mobile app usage, and take ...

There are a number of apps on the Play Store that actually help you limit your smartphone usage. Like AppDetox. You can download these apps and configure them as per your convenience to keep your smartphone usage under check.

#6 Switch Back To Feature Phones

So if you have a serious smartphone addiction, and none of the above mentioned points help, you probably need an equally extreme measure to tackle the issue. You can actually use a feature phone for a few weeks, and then get back to a smartphone once you feel you have overcome your smartphone addiction.

So guys these are the Tips to get rid from smartphone addiction. Hope it will works for you. And please share this with your friends & family & let them know. And also Subscribe this site by clicking here thus you'll get notified each time when we publish new such article ☺
